Certification Courses |
AnaVantage partners with Tertiary Institutes of Higher Learning like the Singapore Polytechnic (SP) and the Singapore Training and Development Association (STADA) to offer Certification Courses.
The following are courses which comes with a Certification of Performance/Achievement (Subjected to attendance and assessment results): 1. Introduction to Statistics and Quantitative Data Analysis 2. Intermediate Quantitative Modeling and Data Analysis 3. Introduction to Survey Methodology: Sampling and Factor Analysis 4. Principles of Business Analytics 5. Applied Business Intelligence: Making Sense of Data Visualization 6. Advanced Business Analytics 7. Big Data Analytics: A Primer and Practicum 8. The Essentials of Biostatistics 9. Certificate in Applied Talent Analytics I 10. Certificate in Artificial Intelligence for People Analytics 11. Analytics for Educators I and II You may wish to check out our training roadmap for the various roles here. |